Monday, July 11, 2005

Michele Peresso's Miper

Michele Peresso Ltd has a gift scheme called Miper. It was thrown (spammed) in many households' letter boxes this week.

Funnily enough, it tells you it is copyrighted, it cannot be copied, transferred to a retreival system, or transmitted in any way.

In other words just writing about it might be 'illegal', or even throwing it away might be illegal as it would be a form of transmission to the dustbin. Giving it to someone else is definitely an offence against Michele Peresso. You'd think this would be a work of art with that clause. But it isn't. It's a badly produced small booklet, a fairly ugly model gracing the cover and pathetic artwork that nobody would save, let alone copy!

Who gave Michele Peresso the right to spam via junk mail?

I refuse to accept 'conditions' set by spammers, hence I'm writing about it.
Why does Peresso think that it is something likely to be copied? It's an advert for heaven's sake.
Wouldn't giving the booklet to somebody interested in it likely to help Peresso?
Apparently not.

I almost feel like phoning Peresso for the permission to throw it away or to draw doodles on it.
We do, in this country, get ridiculous sometimes - and this is right up that alley.


Blogger Kenneth said...

A copyrighted direct mail leaflet? Now that's crazy.

10:58 pm

Blogger malta blogger said...

I thought so.. so I'm not alone!

3:35 pm

Blogger malta blogger said...

solo, I think you are sick.

What graphics are you talking about?
This is a blog. If you don't understand what a blog is, why are you commenting?
I'm not into web design, why should I have whiz-bang graphics?
Since you're such a genius, why don't you create a great blogger template for me? (Since you didn't even realise I'm using a blogger template!)

If it's an advert, why should anyone care if it's reproduced?

And since you're such an expert on copyright law in Malta, I remind you that one can copy for news purposes and also reviewing purposes.
So if one wanted to review this gift scheme booklet, one could reproduce a thumbnail of the cover without breaking copyright law. It's legal in Malta without needing a license.

Again there are licenses you can get for printed matter reproduction i.e there is such a thing as the right to (licensed) reproduction of printed matter..
it is recognised by international laws!

Without mentioning open source and similar concepts such as creative commons, where there is a license given to everyone... again giving you the right to copy.

7:46 pm

Blogger malta blogger said...

To me solo seems to be a company hack like the Microsoft employees who try to post FUD on the Internet...

Solo's insults are only downgrading himself or herself... calling people animals is not a good idea since some people behave worse than animals.

And solo doesn't have to spend time on my blog. Why on earth does he have to comment then?

7:49 pm

Blogger Kenneth said...

With such a pathetic website such weak graphics and anything but imagination in your site design I wonder how you can consider yourself an authority to critisise the Miper booklet.

Priceless. You should e-mail that to the author of the template.

By the way, if you're into web programming and know PHP, why are you still with Blogger? Convert to Movable Type, Textpattern, Wordpress , or anything, as long as it's not Blogger!

10:42 pm


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